Unfinished Agenda:
Urban Politics in the Era of Black Power
Author: Junius Williams
Unfinished Agenda offers an inside look at the Black Power Movement that emerged during the Civil Rights Movement of the sixties.
NJ.com – I felt the ‘Bern.’ So what do I do now? | Opinion
By Junius Williams I watched Senator Bernie Sanders’ announcement that he was suspending his campaign for the presidency of the United States with the same emotion I felt with Jesse Jackson’s concession speech at the 1988 Democratic Party Convention in Atlanta Georgia on behalf of the Rainbow Coalition. I felt then America lost an opportunity
HUFF POST – An Open Letter to Black Lives Matter
I want to first commend Black Lives Matters for your willingness to stand in the face of danger and speak truth to power. As young people, you are indeed the heirs apparent to resistance organizations from the not-too-distant past. But as I survey American political landscape in the context of the current election for President,
Read moreHUFF POST: When a College Chancellor Supports Her Students
Within the last few weeks, colleges all over the country have erupted in protest. Most of them were in solidarity with the concept “Black Lives Matter,” and reflect the growing awareness of students of all races and nationalities that they can’t be free until black victims of police violence are free to walk the streets
Read moreHUFF-POST: In Post-Civil Rights America Do We Know How to Organize?
In Selma Alabama, at the 50th year anniversary of Bloody Sunday, people from all over the world gathered at the Edmund Pettus Bridge for a symbolic march to the other side. But there were no leaders to lead, no plan to make it over and back. Where were the traditional leaders? Many of them were
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